Infection protection concept of the FFC Wacker Munich 99
Status: October 07, 2021
Preliminary remark
The specifications on which the contents of this infection protection concept are based are the publications of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration and the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care: the Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance (IfSMV) and the framework hygiene concept for sport.
It applies to outdoor training and games and the related necessary activities in the area of the sports facility. The areas mentioned are divided into zones for better separation. More detailed content is explained under point 7.
The basis for all listed measures and regulations is the assumption that infection with SARS-CoV2 is possible, but the probability is very low due to the implementation of the mentioned hygiene measures.
Sports events of the FFC Wacker Munich 99 are limited to 1000 spectators.
1) Organizational matters
a) Compliance with the infection protection concept is checked; if this is not observed, appropriate measures are taken. Domestic rights are exercised against people who do not comply with the regulations.
b) The need to comply with the security measures is communicated to the participants.
c) The participating persons (trainers, players, etc.) are trained and informed about general and specific hygiene regulations.
d) As far as the Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance (BayIfSMV) or another legally binding regulation permits gastronomic or other offers, the corresponding regulations and framework concepts apply in a sports facility or a clubhouse. The operator or organizer is responsible for compliance with the general requirements according to BayIfSMV.
2) General safety and hygiene rules
a) Exclusion from training and competitions and denied access to the sports facility including the spectator area for
b) persons with proven SARS-CoV-2 infection,
c) People who have been in contact with COVID19 cases in the last 14 days; for exceptions, reference is made to the currently valid infection protection regulations,
d) persons who are subject to quarantine measures,
e) People with unspecific general symptoms and respiratory symptoms of any severity (such as fever, shortness of breath, cough, runny nose) or for an infection with SARS-CoV-2-specific symptoms (loss of smell or taste)
f ) The number of people present in the interior of sports facilities at the same time must be determined by the operator in his hygiene concept so that the minimum distance of 1.5 m is guaranteed at all times, even when the maximum number of people is reached. When determining the number of people, the conditions on site must be taken into account. It must be ensured that outside of active sporting activities, compliance with the minimum distances in all accessible areas, including the sanitary facilities and changing rooms, is guaranteed at all times. It should be recommended that, based on the area of the room in which the sport is practiced, one person per approx. 20 m2 is allowed.
g) The minimum distance of 1.5 m must be observed in indoor and outdoor sports facilities, including the spectator area and sanitary facilities, as well as when entering and leaving the sports facilities. This does not apply to persons who are exempt from contact restrictions in relation to one another according to the applicable regulations.
h) In buildings and closed rooms, including cabins and the like, it is mandatory to wear a medical face mask (mask requirement). The mask requirement does not apply at fixed sitting, standing or workplaces, as long as a minimum distance of 1.5 m from other people who do not belong to your own household is reliably maintained.
i) There are generally sufficient washing facilities, liquid soap and disposable towels. Sanitary facilities must be equipped with sufficient soap dispensers and disposable towels. Regular hand hygiene should be indicated by means of notices. In the case of endless rolls of cloth, the functionality must be ensured; Community towels or soaps are not permitted. Drying fans are to be taken out of operation unless they have HEPA filtering.
j ) Hair dryers may only be used if the distance between the devices is at least 2 meters. The handles of the hair dryers must be disinfected regularly. Jetstream devices are permitted as long as they are equipped with HEPA filtering.
k) Regular and adequate ventilation via (outside) fresh air must be ensured. A ventilation concept must be in place.
l ) In general, cleaning concepts are to be provided that ensure adequate regular cleaning depending on the frequency of use. An increased cleaning frequency should be provided for objects that are touched by different people or that are touched particularly frequently.
m) Unless there are special legal regulations on sports courses, in the case of training / sports offers that are held as courses with regular dates, care must be taken that the participants remain assigned to a fixed course association, if possible, supervised by a permanent course instructor / trainer will.
n) Unless there are special legal regulations on group size, this must be adjusted according to the location-specific conditions; the number of participants may be limited accordingly. Reference is made to letter B.
o) Underage athletes can be accompanied by their legal guardians in order to exercise parental custody (parental rights) during sports activities. In doing so, gatherings of several legal guardians are to be avoided in any case; the minimum distance must be observed.
3) Implementation of protective measures: before entering the sports facility
a) Authorized access (sports enthusiasts, employees, functional personnel, etc.) are posted on a notice or similar. to point out that if there are symptoms of an acute respiratory disease of any severity or fever as well as the exclusion criteria mentioned under No. 2 letter a, entry to the sports facility is prohibited. In addition, the organizers and sports facility operators are neither entitled nor obliged to independently collect health data from users in this context. Those with access to sports facilities / sports facilities (indoor and outdoor) must be appropriately informed in advance of these exclusion criteria (e.g. by notifying them). Should people develop symptoms while on the sports facility, such as: B. fever or respiratory problems, they have to leave the sports facility or sports facility immediately or a spatial isolation has to take place until the person, z. B. a child, can be picked up or go home. A concept must be available for dealing with suddenly ill and suspected cases.
b) Especially when entering and / or leaving sports facilities, queues are to be avoided by taking suitable precautions.
c) Sports facility access authorized persons are to be informed about the distance requirement, about the obligation to wear a medical mask and about the cleaning of the hands with soap and running water.
4) Implementation of training and match operations
a) Physical greeting rituals (e.g. handshakes / hugs) are forbidden.
b) Observe the cough and sneeze etiquette (crook of arm or disposable handkerchief).
c) Failure to spit or blow your nose on the field.
d) Each player uses their own drinks bottle
e) Goalkeepers should not moisten their goalkeeper gloves with saliva.
f) No clapping or hugging
G) The material used is limited to the bare minimum. Balls and marker cones are disinfected or, alternatively, thoroughly cleaned and made available on the field before the training / training game.
H) Training bibs / jerseys are only worn by one player per training (game) and are not exchanged. After the training (game) the bibs / jerseys are washed.
i) After the training (game), the materials used (balls, cones) are disinfected if possible or, alternatively, thoroughly cleaned.
j) The training offer is organized in such a way that a meeting of different teams is avoided. For this purpose, buffer times are planned for the change.
5) Game operations
5.1) Arrival of the teams and referees to the sports area
a) It is recommended that teams and referees travel with several vehicles. Carpooling should be minimized as far as possible. Especially when traveling in team buses / transporters, the distance regulation must be observed or a mouth and nose cover must be worn.
b) The general requirements regarding distance regulations etc. must be observed.
c) Ensure that the arrival of the two teams and referees is decoupled in time.
d) Depending on the local conditions: Implementation of different routes to the cabins or the greatest possible spatial separation
e) A clear marking to the cabins and other facilities must be prepared for the visiting team from the parking lot so that congestion and oncoming traffic in narrow spaces / aisles is avoided.
5.2) Cabins (teams & referees)
a) The length of stay in the cabins is to be kept to a minimum and only the absolutely necessary people are in the cabins.
(Reason for minimizing the time spent in the cabin: over 90% of all infections in football occur in the cabin)
b) It is recommended that the free space adjacent to the cabin be used as additional changing rooms.
c) Distance markings in the cabins make it easier to keep the minimum distance.
d) To maintain the minimum distance, moving takes place in changing groups if necessary.
e) Game and half-time briefings or team meetings are held outdoors if possible.
f) Team and referee cabins are cleaned regularly and contact surfaces are disinfected.
g) Attention is paid to constant ventilation in the changing rooms.
5.3) Match report
a) If possible, the team officials and referees should process the match report on their own device or at home. If devices from the home club are used, they must be disinfected after use.
b) If input devices are used by several people on site, they must be cleaned before and after use. In addition, it must be ensured that hand disinfection is possible immediately after entering the respective person.
c) Substitution cards are generally waived.
5.4) Path to the playing field / player tunnel
a) The distance regulation must be applied at all times on the way to the field of play (to warm up, to enter the field of play, at halftime, after the game).
b) If possible, spatial separation of the paths for both teams. If this is not possible, a temporal equalization must be ensured during use.
5.5) Warm up
a) The warm-up takes place in spatially separate areas, in which, above all, compliance with the distance rule to other people is guaranteed.
5.6) Equipment control
a) The equipment control by the referee takes place outside.
b) If no minimum distance can be guaranteed, the referee (assistant) must wear a mouth and nose cover.
5.7) Arrival of the teams
a) No common arrival of the teams
b) No "handshake"
c) No escort kids
d) No mascots
e) No team photos
f) No opening production
5.8) Coach benches / technical zone
a) All team officials entered on the game report must be in the technical area of their own team during the game.
b) If it is not possible to mark a technical zone during games (e.g. small field), all supervisors are on the sidelines, with the home and visiting teams each using the opposite side of the field.
c) Observance of the distance rules must be observed on the substitution bench of each team. If possible, supporting markings are made.
5.9) Half-time
a) During the half-time break, all players, referees and supervisors remain outdoors if possible.
b) If it is not possible to remain in the open (weather situation, etc.), attention must be paid to the staggered use of the access routes to the cabins (keep a minimum distance)
6) Zoning
The sports facility is divided into three zones:
Zone 1 "indoor / playing field"
a) In Zone 1 (field of play including the edge of the field and, if applicable, running track) there are only those groups of people necessary for training and training matches:
- players
- trainers
- Functional teams
- Referees
- Medical and security service
- Contact person for hygiene concept
- If necessary, media representatives
b) Zone 1 is only entered and exited at defined and marked points.
c) For the way from the changing area to the playing field and back, route markings are used as support.
d) Media representatives who need access to Zone 1 in the course of their work (e.g. photographers) will only be granted access after prior notification and in compliance with the distance regulation.
Zone 2 "changing areas"
a) In Zone 2 (changing areas) only the following groups of people have access:
- players
- trainers
- Functional teams
- Referees
- Contact person for hygiene concept
b) Sufficient changeover times between different teams are provided for use in training operations and training game operations.
c) The general length of stay in the changing areas is limited to the necessary minimum.
Zone 3 "public area (outside)"
a) Zone 3 “public area (outside)” denotes all areas of the sports facility that are freely accessible and in the open air.
b) If possible, there is a spatial or temporal separation (“lock solution”) between the entrance and exit of the sports facility.
7) Note for paid trainers
The association FFC Wacker Munich 99 eV is the employer. He is responsible for the implementation of necessary occupational health and safety and infection protection measures for his employees.
Necessary or sensible measures can result from the SARS-CoV2 occupational safety standard of the BMAS as well as supplementary rules and recommendations for action, e.g. the VBG.
The following measures are (currently) mandatory:
Instruction on the hygiene concept
Provision of the necessary mouth and nose protection
Enabling / offering preventive occupational health care, which can also be done by telephone
Individual advice on particular risks due to previous illnesses
Discussion of fears and psychological stress
Proposal of suitable reinforced protective measures if the occupational safety measures of the concept are not far-reaching enough
If an infection is suspected, it can be assumed that the employee will be unable to work until the suspicion has been clarified by a doctor.
Reference is also made to the following information from section 7 of the general sports hygiene concept: